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Colourism & Cosmetics Claims Article

Colourism & Cosmetics Claims Article

Colourism & Cosmetics Claims Article

Claims for skin lightening/whitening cosmetic products have achieved notoriety, finally coming to a head with the anger of the Black Lives Movement. This has forced cosmetic companies to face up to the fact that they have been deliberately or non-deliberately fuelling colourism. Ayton Global Research and Callaghan Consulting International executed a consumer-use market research across 6 countries into the usage of these product types, and exactly what consumers thought of them and why they used them. The preliminary findings are presented with ‘even skin tone’ and ‘beautiful skin’ being the key drivers and not ‘skin lightening or whitening’. Care must be given to the choice of wording when it comes to creating claims for these types of products and more consideration to the consumers who use them, providing for better claims compliance in terms of product ‘honesty’, ‘fairness’ and ‘informed decision.


Please read the article here:



Carys Smith
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